I know of a beautiful girl
The girl of my dreams
By the name of Angela
When I think of you my heart just gleams
I'm tempted to call a pyschic
To see if you're my soul mate
I hope you are
We'd have a life so great
You're constantly on my mind
I'd love to have you in my life
To date, to hold, to kiss
Maybe someday become my wife
I know what guys have done to you
How bad they treated you
I know guys told you this before
I'd never make you sad or blue
I think I'm in love with you
Deep down in my heart
I wish we could be together
And never, ever part
If things come down to it
And we don't mesh too well
If you want to part
Sure it would be like hell
But I'll never do you wrong
With you, I wouldn't even start
To see you sad again
Would just break my heart
Sure I want to be with you forever
And all you want is friends
Then friends forever we'll be
A friendship with you, I'd never end
I hope me writing this doesn't scare you
Or push you away
You don't need anymore stress in life
I just wanted to say
I have Great feelings for you
You might be the one
In my hopes and my dreams
I think you are, so I'll love you a ton
You're in my heart
Always and forever
If you'll have me as your man
I'll make it a great endeavor
I'll end it here with hugs and kisses
Dreaming of you in my life
Forever and ever
As my loving wife
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