Sometimes the hols can be killing and i mean it literally killing... i woke up at 630 today to prepare breakfast for my dad.. after that.. went back to slp and woke up at 0845 to prepare braeakfast for my mum, sis and myself... well.. they had egg, toast, ham and coffee/tea/orange juice. a simple breakfast larx...
after that.. i ate, sat down to read the newspaper and rest. its already 0845. i start to study for my mid-yrs a bit before i start to think wat to preprare for lunch. i decided on otak and cod fish since its only 2 ppl eating... me and my mum and a lil toddler of 3 who my mum is baby sitting... he's very notti... so i continued studying till 1000. i started to wash the fish and warm the otak my mum bought back in msia when we went on the 7/6. lunch was served at 1130. a lil too early? its the norm time for my family...
so my mu went to tuck the baby into bed... i went to wash the dishes and mop the whole house... this took me a while.. finished everything at 1245. went to take a shower to wash up...
napped for one hour... now online telling u my adventures of the day.. still dunno wat to cook for dinner.. sian...
anyway... jus a lil something... this is not first time i'm doing this.. been doin this since sec 2. been doin all e cooking... think i wanna be a chef next time... or a house husband... i think i will amke good one.. been cooking since pri sch... pri 4 i think... so its....7 yrs of training.. and i'm still learning dishes from my mum and dad.. phwoar.. my dad is a good cook.. i learn how to make desserts too.. like honeydew sago... that's my fav. haha....
househusband? hmm.. that seems a good choice... well.. dunno lar... but a lot of gals are always amazed when they hear abt me doin all these... well.. i can understand cos my older sis can't do anything that has to do with house keeping. i help her pack her table neatly, throw away her used tissues... haiz...
wat a day...

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