The memoirs of an egoistical person
Free periods never fail me. They give me a chance to bitch, rant, gossip or just plain talk. Well, i skipped Geography Lecture today and i was in the library talking to JOANNA, who is my friend, whom i say hi to everytime i see her, whom coincidentally is CHRISTOPHER's ex (can you see the context on discussion being set up?) and well.. she's a nice person.
Well, ego isn't really that great after all. You live your life you think the way you should. HOW many YOU's did you find in there? Its how ego people speak.. all about themselves. I think i should do this, think i should do that, i think i am right... all those crap... ya...
Well, your most beloved talked a whole lot of stuff with joanna... totally enjoyable.. nothing less than intriguing. She's a tad disappointed with her ex not even bothering to say hi. And after close analysis with both Joanna and Shuming, i conclude that its his ego that is playing a big role.
Who dumping who isn't important... but surely not to the extent of calling her CRAP?
JOANNA din even call you names...
I'm sorry for this lambasting session.. but just a foot note... say hi will u?
Damn your way of fighting i say.
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