"Passion of the Christ"
It was totally phantasmagorical.
The show started off with Satan(down with him) chanting these few words : " No one man can bear the sins of all mankind. It is too costly to do so." It sorts of gives us a prelude to what is going to happen. Yes. this one man did bear the sins of all mankind. he did. yes. he did.
Peter denied him 3 times before the cock crowed. Judas betrayed the son of God with a kiss and 30 silver coins. He was repentant though because he said he caused innocent blood to be shed and returned the coins.
What touched me was Jesus and Mary. The motherly love was so intense that it touched me. One particular scene was when Jesus was carrying his cross and he fell at the market place. Mary saw it and flash backs to the past when Jesus was young and lost his footing and fell. She dropped everything and went to pick him up and said "Don't worry, I will always be here" It then flashes back and shows Mary running through the market place to Jesus and crawls to him and say "Don't worry, I will always be here" With that, Jesus found mustered enough strength to stand up and say something about his death will be a renewal of man.
Jesus was always so ready to forgive. Even when he was being tortured through the market, he never cursed anyone, flash backs of what he used to preach all came back... " you have been taught to love thy neighbour and hate thy enemy."
"That's all wrong. Thou should love thy neighbour and pray for those that persecute them."
"if it only stops at loving those who love you, what is the reward then?"
Even when Jesus was being crucified with nails being driven thru his palms, he said " Father, do not blame them, they know not what to do"
Your heart cringes when you see a man being chastised, scrouged, flagellated, flogged and disfigured with lacerated wounds all over. And that man died, to save us from our sins.
Though thorugh out the movie, Jesus seemed to self lessly convict himself to being willingly crucified, he does question himself a few times. " Father, the responsibility of saving mankind is getting too heavy, i begin not to take it anymore"
I give the show 5 stars and i want to watch it again. Its very inspirational and it really touches your heart. The gore comes from the most painful moments Jesus had to go thru. shu cried 2 times. Nigel cried 3 times. Angeline was crying practically the whole movie and me, my tears was just welling up.
By watching the plays the churches stage which is so played down, one would never understand how much He went thru. i never did.
Until today, i did.
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