i agree with mdm kelly tan. the 20th century is indeed a century of craziness, instability and uncertainty. My new idol is e.e cummings. I read his poems and get his angst or his parodies of the 20th century. Somehow, it is written as a slap across your face yet the slap is somewhat subtle.
Paper 8 isn't really that scary after all. It has to come naturally. Right? You cacn't force it out by memorizing technical terms and hoping you can scrape through because at the end of the day, you still don't know WHY the author used such a technique, the WHAT is important but the WHy and HOW parts are more important.
GP is what i fear. Always fail. if only they can have GP as an oral paper. It would be so much easier. Writing snuffs my thoughts. Talking makes me think so much more.
And i think some people in enrichment don't even deserve to be in there at all. Just like how some people in remedial isn't supposed to be there at all. Don't they understand the psychological impacts of all these? its like labelling. just legalized labeling.
"Don't buy the lie" guys. never ever buy.
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