Friday, August 06, 2004


Everything that starts,
has to end,
someway, somehow, someday.

It was just so yesterday, i saw my name on the screen, taking over from the 15th batch and establishing the 16th batch exco. It was so yesterday.

yet, on wednesday, i was the one presenting my odac badge to my successor, and yet, it felt like we just took over yesterday.

The AOs are very sentimental. We went out for lunch together, saying its the last lunch we are having as AOs of ODAC, last 15 mins we can call ourselves AO, and we even took photos of us eating and our empty plates. The empty plates can only show, how far we've come, how empty we'll become without ODAC, how different life on WEDNESDAYs will become. Everything changes and so will we, and as i gave my closing speech for the AOs, i knew, that was the last moment i am going to have being an AO. For me, it was a struggle to reach for my odac badge and hand it over to my successor. That badge represented so much, all the arguments we had in the exco, all the fun we had, all the singing, all the joy, sometimes tears, all were summarized by that blazing campfire, with the golden emblemed words, ODAC.

I appreciate what shu has done for odac. He nearly cried while watching his own presentation. The first time we saw it, it was funny. The second time, everyone was silent, it was the kind of atmosphere where you appreciate the photos taken and say, "i love you people."

It was tragic for the 16th batch to gel/bond together on the ophir trip. At least we did. We're going out for dinner today. We're doing things together, finally. And as i say this, my heart only cries out loud, yearn for the hot wednesdays where we will have slack PT and then comment there is nothing to do or de wei is such a loser and stuff.

No more of that.

No more odac.

The end of the 16th batch.

All that starts, ends, someway, somehow, someday.

Outdoor Activites Club.