Monday, October 18, 2004

i'm fine now guys. thanks for everything. my momma and my sista are out of the hospital already! but my momma still can't walk and needs crutches to hobble around.

thanks to dewei, heok kia n girlfriend, fabian, amos, yongshen, nigel, shuming, chris, luke, edward, amy, dawn and anyone whom i forgot for coming to the hospital (i forgot mr. goh) to visit my mum and sister. God blessed all of us in that taxi for that horrific accident that we met up with. It was His grace that we suffered such injuries.

not forgetting my darling angeline for being there everyday when both of them were hospitalised. thanks dear! LOVE YA LOTS!!!

anyway, we've decided to sue that lorry driver.

and god bless all of us.

repent. it still ain't too late.