Thursday, September 14, 2006

The mastering of couch-potatoing.

Being a couch potato is not easy- as i found out slowly. Sitting in front of the tv/computer/hi-fi/tamagotchi/handphone-java-gaming/gamboying/snacking/drink/napping/etc is one of the MOST difficult task to date!

Many things grow when you couch-potato. Your stomach/butt/chest/moustache/hair/balls /anything that is saggy will be sucked down by the earth's gravitational force field. It becomes saggier and more disgusting to look at! Nowadays, i cannot even bear to look myself in the mirror! I look like i'm 80 years old! (my balls only maybe :D)

Becoming stupid is a harmful by-product of the CPB(couch-potato behaviour). Senseless humour by the Taiwan gameshows(its very funny though!) coupled by "witty" comments of the MTV show -Yo Momma is bound to make you an exhibition piece titled -
"What the mass media really does to you."
an excerpt of Yo momma :
Guy A: Your momma's so thin, i've got her in my mouth (spits a toothpick out of his mouth)
(canned laughter)

Guy B: Your momma's so stupid, she sits on the tv and watches the couch! (laughs hystericall)

Guy A: Well your momma's so fat, i wear her panties as my tee!

Guy B: Well your momma's so black, i can't even see what she's wearing!

No one knows anyone's momma that way!

Many more days of MC to go by the way.

Looks like becoming stupid is inevitable.