Monday, June 28, 2004

and i thought attempting suicide was a crime.

Haven't you read news or learnt that attempting suicide is a crime? During 1pm to 1515 today, i attempted suicide countless times. but the cops didn't come! i was alraedy preparing for them to put the cuffs onto me and saying "you have the right to remain silent" and those stuff you normally see on cop dramas. but it ain't not happening!

argh. as you may have already guessed. econs essay was suicidal.

Saturday, June 26, 2004

how apt. and i forgot to tell you i love you.

just when.

two birds soaring high.
high up above.
one brought down by lightning,
the other,
by thunder.

the lightning struck,
induced by the other(bird),
the thunders were rolling,
soon soon after.

being struck wasn't the first time,
we call it many,
but though he survived the others,
i dunno how more many.

gliding down onto the ground,
hitting it with a thud,
condescending into darkness,
many, struck.

the other hit by thunder,
nothing much happened.
she became deaf in a ear,
died soon later,
drowned by her own tears.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Suddenly, i missed odac. Ya, after all the condemnation of how boring it can be and how useless some people are. I miss odac.

To put it more correctly, i miss the ophir times. We never had an orientation camp where we camped together and we cooked and we played and we worked hard. Too abd the first was going to be our last. i miss those times.

I miss setting up the tents with you guys. Sleeping in them. cooking in the first night half naked cos i was too hungry and all of us crowding around the kitchen and the guys cooking for the girls. The guys have a conscience one k? Come to think of it, the odacians of the female gender are treated excellently by the male odacians during the climb.

I miss the climb. it was the first time we had such a hard task and we did it. together. PT was nothing compared to this. yes i admit i was always shoting and screaming my head off at you guys during PT. But well, i was shouting during the climb. but of different things. of encouragement. I have done things wrong for the past 1 and a 1/2 years. for that. i apologize.

Us 16th batch never had a camp like this. where it was worry free. the bus ride to the check point. the lunch, the climb. The exhilaration. We had it only once, one shot, one opportunity, and never again will it come.

even if we're going to climb up again one day, it will never be the same. We are what we are now. We change like how everything else changes ."the only constant thing in life is change"

I'm sorry but i'm sentimental. looking at the photos of ophir, though most of them had shuming posing and acting cute with a "twist" sign(being himself), i have to thank him cos it was him that cooked dinner for me on the second night when i was knocked out by tiredness. i waas shagged. literally.

thanks to my sexay tentmates. we had 2 memorable nights. (of smelling one another's feet)

thanks to the others who put up with my lame entertainment on the way to ophir.

i love you guys.

i do.


was reading the geog textbook and came across an article which was absolutely hilarious. well, the earth has existed for 4600 million years but an author reduced it to 46 years. well. here goes it.

" We can depict Mother Earth as a lady of 46, if her "years" are megacenturies. The first seven of those years are wholly lost to the biographer, but the deeds of her later childhood are to be seen in old rocks in Greenland and South Africa. Like the human memory, the surface of our planet distorts the record, emphasizing more recent events and letting the rest pass into vagueness- or at least into unimpressive joints in worn down mountain chains.

Most of what we recognise on Earth, including all substantial animal life, is the product of the past 6 years of the lady's life. She flowered, literally, in her middle age. Her continents were quite bare of life until she was getting on for 42 and flowering plants did not appear until she was 45 - just 1 year ago. At that time, the great reptiles, including the dinosaurs, were her pets and the break-up of the last supercontinent was in progress.

The dinosaurs passed away 8 months ago and the upstart mammals replaced them. In the middle of last week, In africa, some man-like apes turned into ape-like men and , at the weekend, Mother Earth began shivering with the latest series of ice ages. Just over 4 hours ago have elasped since a new species calling itself Homo sapiens started chasing the other animals and in the last hour it has invented agriculture and settled down. A quarter of an hour ago, Moses led his people to safety across a crack in the Earth's shell, and about five minutes later Jesus was preaching on a hill farther along the fault line.

haha.. oh.. that was found in chapter 1 of my geog textbook and i have 5 gazillion more chapters to go. and 2 more days only. God bless me.

Monday, June 21, 2004

well, nothing much to blog nowadays. jUst more studying and more studyin. endless piles of work to complete. so much for "jc life is one thng u gonna treasure". yeah. tell me about it.

oh.. thanks shu for the new skin! its very nice... thanks dude!

and yes, finally nigel is lending me his waugh. there's hope for physical geog after all!

Monday, June 14, 2004

i rarely lecture

but well, my 20 lessons on love:

lesson 1: if u love her. so be it

lesson 2: if she doesn't love u, make her love u

lesson 3: if lesson 2 doesn't work, go to lesson 4

lesson 4: dun force things, they may backfire

lesson 5: if unforced yet no improvement, go to lesson 6

lesson 6: say you'll wait

lesson 7: lesson 6 is a last resort

lesson 8: make things clear if lesson 6 doesn not work

lesson 9: let go.

lesson 10: go find other girls

lesson 11: though u may find u still like her, try to forget

lesson 12: lesson 11 is hard.

lesson 13: one day, she may return

lesson 14: treat her nicely if she returns

lesson 15: not all love stories start from lesson 1 and 2

lesson 16: learn to learn yourself before loving others

lesson 17: love her enough to let go.

lesson 18: trust her

lesson 19: trust me

lesson 20: trust yourself.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

i'm back! back with lots of souvenirs! blue blacks all over various parts of the human anatomy, cuts(a deep one at the left elbow) and aches all over especially the back and thighs. 2 nights of prickly heat in the balls and freezing cold river bathing has certified me "non-hypothermic".

Speak of nature hikes. "thorns of left", "watch out! overhead!", "roots!"
That was as far as nature learning's concerned. You get so caught up in trying not to dirty your shoes though they are mud-caked already and more concerned about not losing the front guy yet not wanting to leave behind the back guy.

Cooking. alright. we did it unhygenically. but well, we're all well ain't it.

a pity. 18/20 survived to the summit. should have all done it together. felt especially bad about losing kiat loong. It shouldn't have been him. No. It wasn't meant to be him.

1276m. Conquered 2 years ago. Conquered it again yesterday.

Sunday, June 06, 2004

1 more day to scaling Mt. Ophir, again. Hmm, quite excited about it. Its different everytime you do things again. Same route, but with different company. My group: Me, Shu, Fabian, Lay ee, Mei Yin, Yi Ming, Eveline. Hmm.. fun company compared to the other group.. haha.. well, am studying hard for mid yrs but not full steam yet... just finish 2 lit books... 3 i mean. haha...

I will miss all u guys here in spore.

oh, did i tell u i nearly fell off into the valley the last time i went to ophir? My fren grabbed me off from the edge.

Thursday, June 03, 2004

The Killing Fields

Fields of innocence
Years to mature
Treated yours,mine.
Yours killed mine.

Aged with perception,
incurable prescription,
unknown assumption
only a function.

Mine- eyes closed.
Yours- opened,
Stared at mine.
It can't be.

I lost 2,
Then 3.
Was it all, meant to be?

Fields of innocence,
no more is.

Return me my morning kiss,
Kiss me on thy lips.
Sweet wine no more,
I must leave.

'Done because we are too menny.'

written after reading jude the obscure on a quiet thursday night.

The actual title was Killing The Fields. but i changed it.