jus finished econs paper... i dunno how i will do this time.. either i do well of i really flop.. cos its really either my ans is relevant or irrelevant.. hmm.. have to go study lit le.. buaiz..
hope i do well for lit...hmm
sweet misery
Monday, June 30, 2003
Sunday, June 29, 2003
mugging @ e last min.. efficiency @ its highest... oh.. wat efficiency am i talking abt? think i've gone crazy.. hmm.. not to worry too much abt econs.. onli memorised elasticites and economic systems.. so ppl... pls.. dun worry.. anyway.. got to go mug le... come online again later... see ya..
Saturday, June 28, 2003
questions.. questions.. questions... not the ones like " why does the sun shine?" or " why does the sea come to shore.." but its qns like.. " why are things turning out like that?".. those type of qns.. i feel insecure abt me and her.. haiz..
i feel unappreciated. Today i attended vs ceremonial move and i woke up at 0730 and have been moving ard till 1845 like that... i'm dead tired.. yet i still find her after my ceremony.. i go down to serangoon fro marine parade dead tired and sleepy... all for what? to see her and spend an hour or 2 with her.. yet when i see her... she says she's watching tv.. and its nice and its my fault that she cannot watch... and i just told her that i came all e way down from marine parade to see her lor.. and i'm tired too. guess wat she says? she says.." u cud have not come down wat.." i mean.. bah... tt's all u can say? i put in effort to see u.. but u... i feel so unappreciated and unwanted.
i still feel unappreciated. as u noe.. her temper is bad.. so i have to kip "honging" her.. i told her tt i might jus get too tired one day to "hong" her anymore.. guess wat she says? "well.. u can dun "hong" one wat... wah lau eh.. its like i'm doing all these for nth? is tt wat she's hinting abt?
i still feel unappreciated. i do so many stuff for her.. and when i tell her.. she justs say.. " well.. u can dun do it wat.." i told her that i give in everything she wants.. does things her way.. and this time i'm just asking for smth done this way.. all she can say is " well.. u can dun give in to me one wat..." bah... i told her to change her attitude towards me.. treat me better.. but all she kips saying is..." tt's me wat.. i cannot change one lor..." tt's crap lor i think... my personality is that i am impatient and i dun give in and i blow up easily.. but i'm changing.. u can go ask my sec sch classmates tt i blow up easily.. or my ncc mates.. they all noe.. but now.. i'm different? i become more patient and treat ppl better.. show care and concern.. a person can change.. why can't she? and the worst is.. " well.. then u change lar... change to e man i wan..." isn't tt hurting? she's changing me to e man she wans me to be... not for who i am.. and she tells me she can't change.. yet she expects me to change...
I feel that a distance has grown between us.. we have become more distant away from each other.. after that argument which nearly led to a break up.. i feel a break up is always imminent as i realise i am getting tired of not being myself when i'm with her.. i am really tired.. and i hate being distant with her.. as we are supposed to be close?
i feel tt she won't be here beside me when i need her to be when i'm going thru my darkest times.. but i will be there for her when she needs me... in other words.. i find that she takes me for granted.. she really does...
and everyone else will tell me not to worry as things will work out fine.. but in the previous 2 relationships.. when i start questioning.. its not a good sign.. haiz..
but i really do love her. i do.
Friday, June 27, 2003
just went to cut hair.. spent ard 18 bucks on my hair.. seems to have no diff.. hmm... anyway.. my studying is almost done.. yay!!
Thursday, June 26, 2003
think i'm gonna fail my geog.. haven studied anything on it yet.. hmm.. think i will do last min work for geog... vs boys are well known for their last min work.. haha... anyway.. sat i going to watch charlie angels.. woo...
Wednesday, June 25, 2003
i've become your afterthought,
like some trinket you bought
and forgot inside a drawer.
you don't think about me anymore.
you expect me just to acquiesce,
silently settle for so much less,
than i know i deserve.
oh, you have such nerve!
i'm always last on your list,
it's been three days now since we've kissed.
maybe it's time that i moved on...
(every dark day has it's dawn.)
the morning light will ease my sorrows,
my life can full of bright tomorrows.
you'll see that i will start anew,
with just an afterthought of you.
Go ahead, look at me
try to talk to me.
See, what you have lost, forever.
Feel the pain, you made me feel.
Try to make all the wounds heal.
You will never feel the same again.
Instead, you’ll only wish
and wonder and even hope,
that things could be different.
Don’t waste your time,
nothing can be done
And know, you’ll never get over the pain
and know, it is all your fault.
You will have to live with what you have done.
There is nothing I can do now,
I have grown and changed.
Of course, I still love you,
I always will, but the difference is....
No, the problem is you waited to long.
I've learned to deal with the pain.
And forgive you for
all the tears you made me shed.
I know you're hurting, and I’m sorry.
I know I can’t feel the tears
that are rolling down your face,
and I can’t wipe them away.
I know your soul aches...
because mine did, too.
I know life goes on...
because mine finally did.
And I know I'm not your first love
and that, even if life goes on,
there will always be a void
and a piece of you missing.
And I know this, because I felt it, too
and will continue to feel it, forever.
Does it get easier?
Not really, it just becomes normal.
The pain will become a part of your life.
And when things are going well
and you have finally learned to love another,
you’ll occasionally remember me.
When you close your eyes,
you’ll see me staring at you.
And when you fall asleep,
my face will be an occurring dream.
When you see me, you’ll feel weak.
When we stare into each other’s eyes,
we’ll remember.
And with every touch,
you’ll lose a piece of you to me.
And when I walk away,
I’ll give you my soul.
Because forever, I’ll own your heart
and I only know this because...
forever, you’ll own mine.
* for all next time who breaks up.. dun worry.. me and angela are still together.. but this is jus written...
Outside, the storm is playing.
Lightning runs through the sky
distant thunder calling
more clouds joining... shy.
On the wings of the wind;
leaves are riding;
trees bending, hiding.
The stranger is sleeping...
unaware of the turmoil outside.
Eyes closed;
shallow breathing;
heart barely beating.
Silence abides...
Is this love dying...
or is it just me?
Without you, there is no... "we."
Outside, nature softly starts... weeping.
My Immortal
I'm so tired of being here
Suppressed by all my childish fears
And if you have to leave
I wish that you would just leave
'Cause your presence still lingers here
And it won't leave me alone
These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase
When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have
All of me
You used to captivate me
By your resonating life
Now I'm bound by the life you left behind
Your face it haunts
My once pleasant dreams
Your voice it chased away
All the sanity in me
These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase
I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone
But though you're still with me
I've been alone all along
Tuesday, June 24, 2003
i wrote this poem... for all to enjoy...
It is the end of the day
I sit and watch the sun fade away
All I hear is the sound
Of rain falling on the ground
I want to hear you say
That you love me more every day
But all I hear is the rain
A cloud has settled in my heart
Now that we're torn apart
I'm getting drenched in the rain
I'm getting drowned in the pain
I miss you more every day
All I hear now is the rain
I walk down the lonely street
My clothes dripping with rain
The loss of you is to much to bear
I'm use to you always being there
I sit and look around
All I see is darkening clouds
All I know now is pain
All I hear now is the rain
Now that you're gone away
I'm left to deal with the pain
Sitting here in the field where we talked
Sitting here where we loved
And I don't hear you anymore,
I dont hear any thing
All I hear now is the rain
Monday, June 23, 2003
went to school to study with shu today... met rach on the way.. so "studied" in sch... we ended tokin abt scandals lor...
we tok and tok and tok and tok and tok and tok and tok and tok until...... FAT ZAIHAN came...
he looked at me and said... "u think holiday chalet ah?" he told shu " where's ur shoes?" and shu told him he sprained his ankle.. watever.. he chased us out of sch lorx.. if i cud.. i wud take a needle and poke his stomach.. let all e oil flow out.. cb...
went to serangoon gardens and eat and then we went to e airport.. went to T2... went to viewing gallery and we watched aeroplanes taking off.. 3 17 yr olds never failed to be amazed by planes taking off.. i think no one would...
anyway.. we saw a TEACHER DATING in the airport... its my geog teacher... MISS WENDY LIM! omg.. so scandalous! haha... anyway.. we going to study tomolo again... going to study..
LOVE is your chinese symbol!
What Chinese Symbol Are You?
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src="http://images.quizilla.com/C/Cycophant/1034643680_Picturesus.gif" border="0" alt="American Flag">
United States Of America -
The most well-renouned country in modern day times.
The militaristic superpower, the United States
of America are also known as the bossiest
Known Worldwide.
A Beacon to Others.
Fast Food.
Despised by Most Others.
Which Country of the World are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Sunday, June 22, 2003
seriously... i think amy ish really havin problems.. i dunno whether its bcos of chris or not. hmm.. but a big portion of it shud be him larx...
goin to study with christorph and shu tomolo... hope it will turn out productive.
angela doesn't reply my smses... watever
i've been drinking these few days.. now too... can't drink like that.. its bad for my health.
i miss her. angela.
army.. lets go to sentosa.. when?
Saturday, June 21, 2003
sorry to anyone hu dun lik me to drink.. i'm drinking again... again...
i'm jus a lil tipsy though.. not drunk yet... not yet...
i feel funny... many thoughts have been running thru my mind...
i suddenly have nth to tell angela.. and i think she ain't toking to me too..
maybe i'm oversensitive...
we just went past e one month mark.. so i'm a lil apprehensive ya... tell me if i'm wrong...
y do i feel this way? i feel there's smth wrong man.. seriously smth wrong in our relationship...
mayb its bcos of our exams... that's y this happens.. i hope so..
angeline asked me smth yesterday that really struck me..
she asked.." do u find sometimes that u have a girlfriend but u dun feel like u have one?"
that really struck me.. i jus nodded my head.. an went to la-la land...
i dunno.. i'm lost. i'm confused.
Friday, June 20, 2003
of everything
jus wanna see
a smile of yours
its so damn diffcult
growing weary
of u
i still love u.
whoever u are
watever u do
whenever u wan
i'll be there for u
anyway.. i'm burnt again... dunno why...
went to ubin and had to ride tandem bike...
angeline din noe how to cycle.
got so many damn upslopes and in the end, me and kai kian were takin turns to bring te bike upslope...
its very nice there... but now too many ppl goes there.. becomes quite polluted...
anyway... i miss angela.. i do...
i miss my classmates.. but not as much...
i miss everyone.
Chicken Noodle
**What kind of SOUP Are you**
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you are the "you suck, and that's sad"
happy bunny. your truthful, but can be a bit
which happy bunny are you?
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Thursday, June 19, 2003
sun burn. from today trip to jalan bathera
shuming speaks chinese fr the whole day during odac
going to ubin tomolo. have to wake up at 515.
life is so boring.
Wednesday, June 18, 2003
watever. angela lucky or not still dunno lar horx.. cooking is easy.. in my opinion.. but having to think of wat to cook can be a headache... haix.. everyday.. have to think of wat to cook.. sian... u ppl help me lar.. haha... candy.. jealous is it? no one cook for u... too chio le lar... chio till no one dare to cook for u.. :P.. j/k lar... relax...
FEL! haha... since u my da jie... i will cook for u also.. dun say dun have...
anyway... today went out to buy groceries... jus came back.. bought some socks too... hmm... spent close to a hundred dollars... muz start saving....
got to go cut hair again.. its not very nice again.. shud i go spend 20 dollars on my hair again? hmm.. *thinking*
can all peepz who read my blog pls leave smth at the tagboard? i wan to noe who is reading.. so i can see wat stuff to write... email too.. thanks...
Tuesday, June 17, 2003
Sometimes the hols can be killing and i mean it literally killing... i woke up at 630 today to prepare breakfast for my dad.. after that.. went back to slp and woke up at 0845 to prepare braeakfast for my mum, sis and myself... well.. they had egg, toast, ham and coffee/tea/orange juice. a simple breakfast larx...
after that.. i ate, sat down to read the newspaper and rest. its already 0845. i start to study for my mid-yrs a bit before i start to think wat to preprare for lunch. i decided on otak and cod fish since its only 2 ppl eating... me and my mum and a lil toddler of 3 who my mum is baby sitting... he's very notti... so i continued studying till 1000. i started to wash the fish and warm the otak my mum bought back in msia when we went on the 7/6. lunch was served at 1130. a lil too early? its the norm time for my family...
so my mu went to tuck the baby into bed... i went to wash the dishes and mop the whole house... this took me a while.. finished everything at 1245. went to take a shower to wash up...
napped for one hour... now online telling u my adventures of the day.. still dunno wat to cook for dinner.. sian...
anyway... jus a lil something... this is not first time i'm doing this.. been doin this since sec 2. been doin all e cooking... think i wanna be a chef next time... or a house husband... i think i will amke good one.. been cooking since pri sch... pri 4 i think... so its....7 yrs of training.. and i'm still learning dishes from my mum and dad.. phwoar.. my dad is a good cook.. i learn how to make desserts too.. like honeydew sago... that's my fav. haha....
househusband? hmm.. that seems a good choice... well.. dunno lar... but a lot of gals are always amazed when they hear abt me doin all these... well.. i can understand cos my older sis can't do anything that has to do with house keeping. i help her pack her table neatly, throw away her used tissues... haiz...
wat a day...

Is the glass half full or half empty?

What's your usual [mood]?

Which [Movie Genres] are you?

Noon - You are pleasant, friendly, and an overall
nice person. You enjoy the energy and activity
of the daytime, and tend to be very productive.
When are you?
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You are an Extrovert!
What is your mental profile?
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What quote describes you?
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Monday, June 16, 2003
anyway.. din noe so many ppl read my blog.. haha.. looks like cannot write too much abt angela.. oops..
went to play soccer in e field jus now with boots... need to run more to slim down...
odac is stressing me out.. too much to do...
the hols are too short.. watever lar... stupid sars..
i haven been a good boy.. been drinking too much alcohol for e past 2 days.. i shud stop getting drunk...
You're a hidden leader: Even though you're not paid
much attention to, or don't get the respect and
recognition you deserve, deep down you know
that if you had just ONE chance, you would make
an excellent leader!
What Type of Leader R U?
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What Finding Nemo Character are You?
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You are romantic! If you're not sure what you were,
then congratulations for being romantic!
How romantic are you?
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Sunday, June 15, 2003
well.. first must clarify things.. dun worry janice.. it jus ain't u lar..its actually a guy.. but bcos of sensitivity of the issue.. i have to kip things a lil crooked... dun worry! but if u cud spare a lil space for me.. it would be good huh.. hehe.. so i can stretch my legs.. hehe.. thanks ah..
jus finish readng a few blogs... candy, eugenia, komui and my click pple lar.. their blogs r really interesting lehx.. haha... read komui's.. damn funny.. very cyniacl view of life...
anyway.. heard a scandal abt shuming from lisany... its some french gal.. and shuming.. can u pls gimme the add to lisany's webby? she says u noe...
tomolo... angela will be goin g for camp... for 4 days.. sian.....
i'll miss her
i'm 3/4 drunk from all e alcohol at my grandma's hse... i think i shudn;t drink so much...
anyway. loveya all peepz reading this..
Friday, June 13, 2003
Your Heart is Orange
What Color is Your Heart?
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Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!

discover what candy you are @ stvlive.com
well. now at the library doin pw survey form and interview thingy... it looks like the survey form is nearly done already.. hmm.. but wat abt the interview? hmm.. that is a qn.. watever...
anyway.. got scandal today... its abt chris and doranne....
anyhow... the whole scandal started today morning when chris was asking for doranne when we were eating roti prata.. chris was like muttering to himself tt he wished tt doranne was feeding him right now... and i heard it.. i gave him the "what-did-u say" look... haha.. but i din tell anyone but u blog.. u muz kip it a secret... haha......
scandal 2.. its still chris.. wat's new.. but now its amy....
chris and amy were touchy touchy during lit lesson.. they were poking each other and whatever... chris kissed amy on the hand... AGAIN!!!! omg!!! ain't tt just SCANDALOUS??? hehe.... what's new.... i think if this goes on.. some feelings will develop..
anyway abt Girl B... she pissed me again! during everyone goddamned lesson... thinks she needs the shut the god-damned trap and **** herself and die.. well.. she does **** ard anyway... she likes lollipops... hehe.. oops... its someone u all dunno... well.. its obvious tt u all duno her..
gwen sux.. she's stupid... and irritating... hehe.. she's beside me now.. and i'm typing this rite in her face... so.. dun worry peepz..
Thursday, June 12, 2003
You are Psalms.
Which book of the Bible are you?
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Wednesday, June 11, 2003
i went with angela today and her fren called mindy.. well.. went to see the show How to lose a guy in 10 days.. the thing actually has no story plot.. the twists could be anticipated/ expected... hmm.. no satrical revelations too.. not fun...
did the planning for the camp committee... well.. i'm e boss for this camp.. haha... anyway.. i dun look like a boss...
haha.. anyway.. think u ppl during lit shud let the guys sit in front.. after we started to sit near the whiteboard... all of ya ppl kept squeezing.. i dun get it? go sit at the top? i've been very pissed abt this... esp. 1 of our class gal... come all the way here when there so much fucking space... cmon man... can't u jus fuck off? and leave us alone?
Tuesday, June 10, 2003
ya... i've made up my mind.. i've decided to build part of my life around angela.. only part.. well.. i decided not to pon lessons for her also.. muz be good boy... she muz learn to sacrifice... anyway.. she just msged me to say whether i find her "fan"... i dun! think she muz have thot she was after she read my blog.. anyway.. angela.. its nth abt u.. i love u dear...
anyhow... i'm an oic for a one night camp.. for odac.. haha... one outta 3 pple... one is angeline.. the other is kai kian.. both i also noe..
nth much. tomolo going for movie.. see ya.. tata..
Monday, June 09, 2003
another day jus gone past w/o any interesting thing going on..well.. smth abt girlfrommars affected me... am i building my life around angela? i think i am.. should i or should i stop? should i continue to give up so much of my time for her? or should she give up hers for me... have i been too compromising? have i been showering her with too much of my love? i dunno....
maybe not.. maye she has been sacrificing too.. jus that i haven't realised.. maybe not... i dunno.. but one thing i'm sure.. i love her..
yes i do... but maybe i cannot make my life revolve ard her... for e.g todae... i skipped chi and econs lecture jus to go lunch with her.. am i sacrificing too much of my academia for love? i dunno...
question marks and more question marks... nvm.. all these doesn;t matter.. can solve these.. shud be able to... cos.. we can come to a compromise one.. think she will compromise..
sometimes i'm a lil pissed cos she wans things to be done her way.. and sometimes she can be very stubborn... but well.. i can take it.. guess i can... hmm ya... anyway... lisany.. hope u found the one le... ya... nth else....sian..
Sunday, June 08, 2003
jus came back from msia... i survived! haha.. 4 hours of car-ride into msia... 4 hours out... shucks man... a long time indeed... on the total 8 hours... i couldn;t take a single nap? while my mum and sis were sleeping in the back.. my dad and i were out awake in front.. i was supposed to help my dad look out on the road as his eyesight's failing.. sure.. he is...
he was driving around 140kmh to 150kmh... sure was fast.. but my cousins in msia drive faster than tt.. we shan't go into details...
Went in there for a wedding dinner... it sucked! haha... the service especially... the serving of the food is self-service... not from the waitress.. and that the drinks were from bottles... sprite bottles or f&n orange...the 1.5 litres type? u had to pour in yourself and ice is given in a small tub where u hep urself to it... Actually... this is not the first time i've attended a wedding in msia... jus telling u guys how different it is they are from here... so.. don't whine...
back there in msia.. the laksa costs only RM1.20... in a state called Muar.. a fishing village.. used to be... now it isn't.. the pace of life there is really slow? how nice it is to live there.. my cousin who is 23 this yr has already 4 kids and the oldest one is in pri 1... she gave birth at 16.. so... guys.. HEADS UP!! haha...
anyway.. who is girlfromars? u shud use ur real name if wan to criticise something.. it ain't very polite to do stuff like that... you should be honest to include ur name.. and.. do i noe u? hope i do.. and if u jealous.. well.. i can write u a song if u have no one to write to u? poor thing.. muz be neglected by guys... *rolls eyes*
Got smth impt... the gp exams were ok!! haha.. first time... i dun quite like gp.. i like english.. but not gp... esp the compo writing part.. in sec sch can write some story.. now cannot... shit lorx..
haiz.. gtg.. see ya guys in sch... tomolo got econs thingy..sian..
Thursday, June 05, 2003
I know of a beautiful girl
The girl of my dreams
By the name of Angela
When I think of you my heart just gleams
I'm tempted to call a pyschic
To see if you're my soul mate
I hope you are
We'd have a life so great
You're constantly on my mind
I'd love to have you in my life
To date, to hold, to kiss
Maybe someday become my wife
I know what guys have done to you
How bad they treated you
I know guys told you this before
I'd never make you sad or blue
I think I'm in love with you
Deep down in my heart
I wish we could be together
And never, ever part
If things come down to it
And we don't mesh too well
If you want to part
Sure it would be like hell
But I'll never do you wrong
With you, I wouldn't even start
To see you sad again
Would just break my heart
Sure I want to be with you forever
And all you want is friends
Then friends forever we'll be
A friendship with you, I'd never end
I hope me writing this doesn't scare you
Or push you away
You don't need anymore stress in life
I just wanted to say
I have Great feelings for you
You might be the one
In my hopes and my dreams
I think you are, so I'll love you a ton
You're in my heart
Always and forever
If you'll have me as your man
I'll make it a great endeavor
I'll end it here with hugs and kisses
Dreaming of you in my life
Forever and ever
As my loving wife
Wednesday, June 04, 2003
hmm.. toaday was a great day. had pe test.. did the beep test... went to only level 7.6.. tt''s erm.. ok lar.. i so unfit... until there can ler.. haha... nigel did till 9.1.. siao.. haha.. then the step test and sports for life walk.. haiz.. all so boring... but can tok to gwen and lisany.. but.. i cudn;t meet up with angela.. so sian... haiz.. i miss her alot.. hmm..
anyway.. fri got geog test.. muz study sia... or else.. fail then die.. haiz.. muz pass... hmm.. i got another poem to share..
As Much As I Love You
I love you more than words can say,
I think of you constantly, each & every day.
It seems that when I think of you, my love becomes stronger,
Every time I think of you, my mind can't help but wonder.
Thinking of the times we've shared, & the times that soon will come,
Never taking time to pause and think, that one day we may be done.
Love is so hard to come by, that's why I do not know
How in such a short time, I've come to love you so.
All I see is that I love you- this I know for sure
And now what I hope for is that our love will endure.
Now, you see just how I feel, & I hope you feel this way too,
I have never loved someone, as much as I love you.
Tuesday, June 03, 2003
GAry YeO
Morning shines so bright through the open waves of the sea
At the sight of your beautiful eyes opening to see me.
Right at that moment I squeeze you tighter next to me
To only make your smile grow brighter than before.
A cherished moment that is for the two of us that we walk
through the balcony to see the beautiful sunrise...
For spending that moment with you is a dream come true
unlike no other I've ever dreamt of before
On the balcony we see the beautiful shades of red and blue
and through the vast great sky soar two white doves flying
towards the balcony which we lay upon.
You peek at me through the corner of your eye
and you look to see if I have yet noticed that the two white
doves are a couple just
I smile and hold you closer to me as if never letting go of this
The bright light overcomes us and in a blink of an eye I see
a beautiful fair angel by my side when I just come
to realize it's
The only one who's captured my heart in every way
and we lay over
the balcony watching the beautiful sunrise...
to my angela..
so boring life is... now.. i cannot wait for angela liao.. cos my dad and mum are unhappy abt y i am going home so late... i haven told them i have a gf.. shud i? mayb after exams lar.. if do well.. then say.. not well.. dun say.. yup.. i miss u... i really do...
well.. todae was the first day where the pre-u seminar ppl were not present.. the class was reallllllllllllllllllllllly quiet? onli me, shuming and karsten and gwen were making noise.. suddenly felt very odd.. hmm.. but its was nice like tt too.. peaceful life.. w/o the.. ahem.. he's getting better nowadays too? at least he noes his jokes are cold.. and he's not so mean anymore? hmm....
for today's pe.. i ran 4 x 400m.. that's 1.6km.. i was the pacer for 3 runners.. another guy also came to help pace.. all 3 passed beautifully.. i'm so happy to have done my job well ya noe? they thanked me really profusely... after that.. i went to play soccer.. so long haven played soccer in school liao.. cos i scared my right shoulder dislocated again.. really scared.. it hurts u noe? hmm.. but nonetheless.. played todae... haha... the score was 2-2.. scored one for my team.. simple tap in.. haha.. the other long range ones all went off target.. muz practice more ler... haha... we should have won.. but.. kai hong was really slow as a keeper?his reactions are really slow.. omg.. even doranne is faster i think...
then we had econs... omg... wan ling went thru a lot todae.. she kena suaned today by ting ting.. really badly... she asked wan ling wat wanling got for her eng? and whether she understood simple english.. ting ting is nice as a ct.. but not nice as an econs teacher.. i knew tt since the first intake... haiz.. but i'm stuck with her.. whatever...
i think doranne muz learn to take care of her contacts.. cos she kips dropping her eyes with eyes drops... tt's not very good on e eyes i think.. lazy gals... anyway.. the photo on shuming's blog aint very clear... haiz... haha.. his eye bags are really huge? anyway. for todae's pw.. was hell.. had 3 hours of it.. got back our 2nd draft and it was full of comments.. and everyone was tired? for every comment.. i was practically doing eveything? i was ans. every single qn for the wriiten part? its so frustrating ya noe? it seems i'm the only one doing.. if i dun speak and get the ball rolling... nobody speaks.. sian.. haiz..
anyway.. tomolo got pe rep course test.. muz study.. but muz do 3rd proposal first.. ciaoz...
Monday, June 02, 2003
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Sunday, June 01, 2003
ok.. hmm.. ppl.. read chryl's blog.. smth abt class gathering.. but i can't make it on 7/8 june.. i'm in m'sia.. wat abt the week after that? hehe... anyway... went to cut hair today.. dunno how much.. but by some pro lar.. in newspaper one.. he has even a teaching school.. his whole family is into hairdressing it seems.. haha... well.. the hairstyle quite ok lar...hmm...
nth to blog todae... so sian.. but jus tt i wish tt i had angela beside me all e time? haiz.. think i'm building my life ard her ler.. so sad rite? haha... love ya all pple... see u tomolo..